Steps to learning Reason OCaml

Myer Nore
Nov 19, 2017 - 3 min read

Names and Functions

When getting started writing functions, it is very helpful to use rtop locally, which is Reason's Read Eval Print Loop (REPL). Please see the previous post to install it and get started.

Let myvar = "something"

In Reason, variables are declared with the let keyword using the equals sign (=):

Reason # let favoriteFruit = "orange";
let favoriteFruit: string = "orange";                                                              
Reason # favoriteFruit;
- : string = "orange"

Making functions: (x) => x * 2;

The basic syntax for a function in the Reason Docs here. A function is constructed with parentheses () and a "fat arrow" =>:

Reason # let cube = (x) => x * x * x;
let cube: (int) => int;                                                                    
Reason # cube; 
- : (int) => int                                                                           
Reason # cube(3);
- : int = 27                                                                                       

Reason interpreted the function to take an integer parameter and return an integer: (int) => int. (int) => int is the "type signature" of the function, which identifies the types it takes and the types it returns.

Let's look at a function that returns true if a provided int is negative and returns false otherwise:

/* loading */

In the editor above, try entering Js.log(neg(true));. You should get the error: "Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type int." This is because Reason is strongly typed, and it has interpreted neg as a function that takes an int and returns an int.

Here's a function which takes a char and returns true if it is a vowel. This uses referential equality, which is documented in the reason docs for Boolean:

/* loading */

Here's a function that takes two parameters a and b, and returns true if they add to ten:

/* loading */

Here's a recursive function, which computes the factorial of a provided integer:

Reason # let rec factorial = (a) =>
  a === 1 ? 1 : a * factorial(a - 1);
let factorial: (int) => int;                                                              
Reason # factorial(2);
- : int = 2                                                                                       
Reason # factorial(3);
- : int = 6                                                                                       
Reason # factorial(4);
- : int = 24                                                                                      

Finally, here's a recursive function that implements Euclid's algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor of two integers, using the mod operator:

/* loading */

Note: this function later referenced in a Gradus Reason exercise in


This step has given the broad strokes of functions in Reason. Further things to explore in the REPL:

  1. Write a function which, given integer n, returns the sum of 0 ... n
  2. Write a function which, given integer n and power p, returns n raised to the power p.
  3. What happens if you try factorial(-1);? How can this be prevented?
  4. Write a function isconsonant(c) which returns true if a char is a consonant.

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