Steps to learning Reason OCaml

Myer Nore
Jan 1, 2017 - 1 min read

Floats vs Ints

Integers and Floating Points

Recall the cube function:

Reason # let cube = (x) => x * x * x;
let cube: (int) => int = ;                                                                    
Reason # cube;
- : (int) => int =                                                                            
Reason # cube(3);
- : int = 27                                                                                       

When we declared the cube function, Reason decided that it would take an int and return an int. So if we try to pass it 3.5, it throws a type error:

Reason # cube(3.5);
Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type int

How would we declare a cube function that took floats? By looking at the Reason docs for floats and ints, we can see that multiplying floats is done with *.:

Reason # 3.2 *. 3.2;
- : float = 10.240000000000002                                                                     
Reason # let cube = (x: float) => x *. x *. x;
let cube: (float) => float = ;                                                                
Reason # cube(3.2);
- : float = 32.7680000000000078                                                                    
Reason # cube(3);
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type float

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